Resource Library
Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors of Older Adults and College Students Participating in Recycling Mentors, a Service-Learning, Environmental Health Education Program
The Behaviour of the Third Age towards the Recycling of printed paper in the Region of Attica. Case Study: The Municipalities of Egaleo and Chaidari.
The Perception of Recycling and Methods of Waste Disposal by the Elderly Population in the city of Zagreb
Benefits for Older People Engaged in Environmental Volunteering and Socializing Activities in City Parks: Preliminary Results of a Program in Italy
Climate-resilient care for older people in the context of the Global Green New Deal and Just Transition
Environmental Awareness, Green Consumerism and Environmentally Conscious Consumer Behaviour of Polish Seniors: Research Report
From grandparents to grandchildren: at school on the farm / Dai nonni ai nipoti: a scuola in masseria (Italian)
Project No.: 2022-1-BG01-KA220-ADU-000085169
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.