Interactive ToT Handbook
GUIDELINES – on engaging senior adult learners in non-formal education on the topics of recycling and circular economy
The Guidelines have 2 major parts: Part 1 – “Basic principles of environmental protection, sustainability, recycling and circular economy”, and Part 2 – “Creating suitable learning environment for elder adult learners and basic principles of effective engagement of seniors in educational and community-based activities”.
With them, we want to set up a new approach to seniors’ teaching process on the topics of environmental protection, sustainability, recycling and circular economy.
Resource Library
The SenGA project aims to address the gap in educational materials on environmental topics for older adults by creating a resource library specifically designed for seniors.
The resource library provides tailored information and materials on sustainable living, recycling, circular economy, and other related subjects that are suitable for the learning needs and styles of older generations.
By raising awareness and promoting ‘green’ activism among seniors, the project aims to foster active aging and lifelong learning, while emphasizing the importance of environmentally friendly solutions and behaviors.
Practical activities for creative recycling and upcycling of used everyday items
The 6 sets contain 18 practical activities for creative recycling and upcycling of old CDs/DVDs, metal, wooden and glass items, plastic bottles, fabric, paper and cardboard.
Each set includes 3 hands-on activities, based on circular economy and creative recycling. Detailed step-by step guidance and links to additional resources help seniors, their educators and art and labour therapists to easily put them in practice.
A special system marks the required level of dexterity for making the final product: * – suitable for beginners and amateurs; ** – suitable for more advanced crafters; *** – suitable for really skillful crafters.
With these practical activities, we want to encourage seniors (but also other generations) to change their personal behaviour and to become green activists!
Old Paper and Cardboard
Old glass and mirrors
Old CDs/DVDs and metal cans
Old plastic bottles
Old wooden items and furniture
Old fabric and garments
Entrepreneurship module: How to turn a non-formal craft activity into an entrepreneurship initiative?
The module contains 3 lessons and one inspiring case study, which could help interested seniors to develop their craft activities like entrepreneurial endeavours.
With this, we like not only to bring inspiration to elderly daily routines but to encourage them to feel more self-confident and to put their knowledge and skills into meaningful activities. And why not add additional financial resources to their pockets as well.
Inspirational video case studies of creative green activities done by seniors themselves
The short videos show practical examples of creative recycling and upcycling activities using the approach “FROM ELDERS TO ELDERS”.
They were taken during a series of creative workshops which we organized in all partner countries for putting in practice the proposed sets of activities for creative reuse of old everyday items.
Watch the videos to get inspiration and to try the proposed activities yourself!
Bulgaria: Wooden Kitchenware Restoration
Bulgaria: Making no-sew pillowcases out of old T-shirts
North Macedonia: Plastic Bottle Planters
Spain: How to make a coaster / hot dish pad out of old paper
Bulgaria: Making a paper bag for herbs and spices out of old newspapers and brochures
Poland: Let’s talk eco-friendly garden decor. Use recycled metallic elements, including CDs and DVDs, for creative accents – hotel for pollinators
North Macedonia: Transforming plastic bottles into a creative roof
Italy: Making a floor/door mat out of old clothes and other home textiles
Bulgaria: Making a nice home cardboard container out of old shoes or other cardboard boxes
Poland: Let’s talk eco-friendly garden decor. Use recycled metallic elements, including CDs and DVDs and metal to decorate ceramic pot and build a decorative garden
Spain: CDs and DVDs, for creative accents and plastics also to decorate garden pots.
Italy: Frame my old mirror
Project No.: 2022-1-BG01-KA220-ADU-000085169
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.