About the project
Brief intro to SenGA project
When it comes to ‘green’ activities, people usually think about youngsters, while other generations are left aside. At the same time, most educational materials related to environmental topics are developed for kids or for younger adult learners and are not suitable for training and teaching of elders, whose needs and learning styles are different.
With SenGA project, we want to turn the focus and open the topics about sustainable living, recycling and circular economy to seniors. This way, we want to raise their awareness about the importance of environmentally friendly solutions and behaviours, ‘green’ activism, active aging and life-long learning.
Project aim and objectives
The long-term objective is to increase the awareness of seniors and experts and educators working with them about recycling, circular economy and ‘green’ and environmentally friendly solutions and to create educational resources in the field suitable for them, so as to support their active aging and social inclusion.
The specific objectives are:
Improving teaching competences of non-formal and informal adult educators, training professionals, social workers and assistants how to engage senior adult learners in nonformal education on the topics of recycling and circular economy.
Creating opportunities for elder adult learners to increase their awareness about creative recycling, circular economy and different types of activities which they could do for active aging, inclusion and socialisation.
Creating a nonformal network of ‘SENIOR GREEN AMBASSADORS’ of the idea of active aging, creative recycling and circular economy, who want to take the lead and become non-formal peer-to-peer educators.
Promoting cross-sector, inter-generational and transnational cooperation and exchange of experience, best practices and lesson learned between partner countries, and educational and training centres from formal, non-formal and informal education.
Target groups
DIRECT target groups:
Educators, trainers, environmental experts, tutors, social workers and assistants, therapists, etc. who work with senior learners or on ‘green’ topics.
Elders (silver age learners) who want to improve their knowledge and skills for circular economy and creative recycling, and to become ‘SENIOR GREEN AMBASSADORS’ and PEER-TO-PEER EDUCATORS thus helping other seniors better socialise and continue being active. Some of them might live in social institutions for elderly people and initiate non-formal activities among their peers, while others might participate in non-formal pensioner or other community-based clubs and could initiate different socialisation activities for other members.
INDIRECT target groups include:
SOCIAL SERVICES PROVIDERS FOR ELDERS, PENSIONER CLUBS or other organisations working with seniors, which can incorporate the proposed activities and diversify their work with old people they care of;
‘GREEN’ AND ENVIRONMENTAL NGOs, which could diversify their scope of work, enlarge their approaches and include activities with seniors, along with those for young people;
EDUCATION PROVIDERS which want to enlarge their scope of work by including circular economy, creative recycling and artistic activities into their non-formal educational practices, with a focus on senior learners;
TRAINING PROFESSIONALS who want to explore new ways how to combine creative recycling and artistic activities.
Project No.: 2022-1-BG01-KA220-ADU-000085169
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.